Esther M. Zimmer Lederberg
Emaricdulfe sonnet XV

WHat meane our Merchants so with eger minds
      To plough the seas to finde rich iuels forth?
Sith in Emaricdulf a thousand kinds
      Are heap'd, exceeding wealthie Indias worth:
Then India doth her haire affoord more gold,
      And thousands siluer mines her forhead showes,
More Diamonds then th'Egyptian surges folde,
      Within her eyes rich treasurie nature stowes:
Her hony breath, but more then hony sweete,
      Exceeds the odours of Arabia:
Those pretious rankes continually that meete,
      Are pearles more worth then all America.
Her other parts (proud Cupids countermate)
Exceed the world for worth, the heauens for state.


A blazon!

Object Description
Emaricdulfe A thousand jewels
Hair More gold than in India
Forehead A thousand silver mines, more diamonds than in Egypt
Eyes Natural Treasures
Breath Honey and more odors than in Arabia
Popuations Pearls worth more than America
Cupid's parts Worth more than the heavens


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